In the Circuit Court of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit
in and for Sarasota County, Florida

Order Establishing Fines for
Specific Offenses Committed
During Spring Break 2022

Administrative Order No: 2022–2.2

Pursuant to Rule 2.215, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, to improve the administration of justice within the Twelfth Judicial Circuit, and pursuant to requests by the Sheriff of Sarasota County, the Office of the State Attorney, and other law enforcement agencies for a uniform and efficient procedure for handling of non-violent and/or minor alcohol-related offenses, the Court hereby adopts the following procedures and policies for the below described offenses during Spring Break 2022.

Spring Break has a substantial impact on the orderly possessing of criminal cases in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit. Spring Break will add numerous out-of-state cases for the 2022 workload of law enforcement, judges, clerks of court, and other staff. Assuming these cases were processed in the ordinary manner, the cost to county citizens would be substantial and far outweigh any benefits. Processing such cases would also interfere with the handling of more serious crimes, and risk speedy trial discharges of cases, which require immediate court attention.

For these reasons, the Court finds it necessary to adopt the attached fines schedule and method for processing the types of cases listed, for the purpose of overall orderly administration of justice during Spring Break 2022.

It is therefore, ordered that this form and the procedures set forth therein are adopted in Sarasota County and shall be used only as to those crimes listed, and shall be used in lieu of the standard proceedings effective March 1, 2022, until April 30, 2022. Thereafter the rules of criminal procedure will supersede as to the crimes listed.

Done and ordered in Sarasota County, Florida on this 31st day of January, 2022.

Charles E. Roberts, Chief Judge

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