Court Administration Technology Services

The Court Administration Technology Services (CATS) department provides A/V equipment, video conferencing, and other technology support to attorneys, the media and the public.

Audio / Video Presentation Cart

Court Administration provides the use of evidence presentation carts without charge as a courtesy to the legal profession. Use of these carts will be on a first come first serve basis and requires a minimum of 48 hours notice to Court staff. The Court will make every effort to ensure the presentation equipment is working properly, however the Court does not guarantee the compatibility nor reliability of the equipment. 

Using Zoom for Witness Testimony

In addition to the requirements above, if you plan to use the presentation cart for witness testimony via Zoom attorneys must also: 

  1. Obtain court order approving zoom testimony
    1. Agreed Order Authorizing Witness Testimony to be Presented by Zoom (both parties agree to zoom testimony)
    2. Order Authorizing Witness Testimony to be Presented by Zoom (set a hearing and request zoom testimony over the objection from the other side)
  2. Bring laptop with wi-fi connection capability, microphone and camera 
  3. Court will provide zoom credentials and host zoom meeting 
Presentation Equipment Available
  • Laptop Connection cables (HDMI)
  • LCD Projector
  • DVD player (for screen projection only)
  • CD Player
  • Document Camera
  • Zoom witness connections (with approved court order)

Training on using the equipment is also available.

Submit a Presentation Cart Request

Public Wi-Fi

Public wireless internet access is available at all courthouse locations. Information for accessing this service is available on the Courtroom Internet Access page.