The mission of DeSoto County Probation and Pretrial Services is to provide public safety and reduce recidivism.
The Supervised Pretrial Release unit provides a seamless process for the screening and supervision of both felony and misdemeanor defendants while their cases progress to trial or disposition. Pretrial Services screening allows the Case Management Court to identify potential clients more efficiently and provide results to the State Attorney’s Office for review. Pretrial staff monitors defendants released from jail while awaiting disposition of their case to ensure they comply with release conditions set by the presiding judge. They track defendants’ criminal court dates and ensures the defendants are aware of their future hearings, increasing court appearance rates.
The Probation unit supervises local probationers and enforces court-ordered conditions of probation in misdemeanor cases.
Probation allows the Court to utilize sentencing alternatives to reduce the jail population, i.e., the work program, PTI, community service, substance abuse counseling, and the DETER program. Probation staff also ensures the collection of court ordered fines/fees and restitution.
Some of the responsibilities and daily operations of the Probation staff include: