The Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court Administration Office provides various services to attorneys, the media, and the public to simplify judicial proceedings and improve service to the people of DeSoto, Manatee and Sarasota counties.
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Twelfth Judicial Circuit complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which requires that reasonable accommodations be provided on request to qualified persons with disabilities in order that they might fully participate in court programs, services and activities.
Manatee County
Children’s Waiting Room
The Children’s Waiting Room provides children who must accompany their parents or guardians to court proceedings a safe and friendly environment to await hearing times. The room is decorated with a jungle-themed, hand-painted mural and custom cabinetry supplied by local artisans and is filled with toys, books and other kid-friendly entertainment.
Public Information Office
The Public Information Office responds to requests for public records, coordinates media and public requests to observe court proceedings and provides the community with information on court programs and services.
Self Help Center
Services that are offered by appointment: Explaination of court process and procedures; assist with the identification and completion of legal forms; notify parties when additional information or documents are needed; referrals to pro bono sources or other legal referrals.
Certified Process Servers
The Chief Judge, through Court Administration, authorizes and regulates Certified Process Servers in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit. These individuals are responsible for serving initial non-enforceable civil process issued within the circuit.
Electronic Hearings with Zoom
To facilitate court activities, the Office of the State Courts Administrator provides the Twelfth Judicial Circuit the ability to stream and host court proceedings via Zoom. Find tips for successful hearings and links to videos before getting started with Zoom.
Local Professionalism Panel
The purpose of the LPP is to review complaints alleging that attorneys have exhibited “unprofessional conduct” in the practice of law, as defined by the Florida Supreme Court in SC13-688. The LPP also addresses less substantial or single violations, matters that had previously been addressed by the Peer Review Program.
Technology Services
Court Administration provides A/V equipment, video conferencing, and other technology support to attorneys, the media and the public. Find information on the technology available, procedures, and sample court orders and link for requesting presentation carts.
Document Subscription
This service allows registered users to subscribe to documents, e.g. judges dockets, administrative orders, etc., posted on the Twelfth Circuit website, to receive email notification when documents are updated or added.
High Conflict Guardian ad Litem Attorney
The High Conflict Guardian ad Litem Attorney Program uses specially trained attorneys in high conflict family law matters. If a party wishes to use the services of a High Conflict Guardian ad Litem Attorney, both parties should complete the Legal Aid Application. Eligibility is based on income and is determined by Legal Aid of Manasota.
Judicial Automated Calendaring System (JACS)
The JACS provides attorneys with a quick, reliable and convenient solution to scheduling judicial hearings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through a web browser.
Pro Bono Services
A roundup of organizations that provide free or low-cost legal services, and mobile apps that help unrepresented litigants with research questions.