In the Circuit Court of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit
in and for DeSoto, Manatee and Sarasota Counties, Florida

Administrative Order No. 2024–23.3

(Rescinds and Supersedes 2021–05a.3, 2015–20.3, and 2007–16.3)


Amended Assignment of Felony Cases
in Manatee Divisions I, III and V and
in Sarasota Divisions II, IV and VI

A recent review of felony caseloads showed inequities in certain felony divisions, and prior Administrative Orders 2021-15a.3, 2015-20.3 and 2007-16.3 regarding felony assignments must be revised to ensure equity among all felony divisions.

The intent of felony division assignments and this Administrative Order is that only one judge is assigned to each defendant, set of co-defendants, or group of defendants charged in related events but not charged in a single Information.

In accordance with Article V, section 7, Florida Constitution, section 43.26, Florida Statutes, and pursuant to the authority vested in Rule 2.215, Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration, It Is Ordered:

  1. In Manatee and Sarasota Counties there are a total of six (6) Circuit Criminal Felony Divisions:

    Manatee County:
    Divisions I, III, and V
    Sarasota County:
    Divisions II, IV, and VI
  2. Cases filed on or after January 1, 2025, including violation of probation cases and all specialty prosecution cases, will be assigned to the felony division corresponding to the first letter of the last name of the defendant as follows:

    Manatee County
    Division I:
    B through F
    Division III:
    G through O, plus A
    Division V:
    P through Z
    Sarasota County
    Division II:
    A through G, except E
    Division IV:
    P through Z
    Division VI:
    H through O, plus E
  3. Cases involving co-defendants charged in one Information will be assigned to the division corresponding to the first listed defendant.
  4. Cases involving co-defendants where capiases were issued will be assigned to the division corresponding to the last name of the first defendant served.
  5. When there are multiple cases involving multiple defendants charged in connection with a single related event, all cases will be assigned to the division corresponding to the first listed defendant of the first case filed (lowest open case).
  6. Where a defendant in a new case already has a pending felony case, the new case will be assigned to the same division assigned to the pending felony case, unless the pending case or the new case involves co-defendants or multiple defendants in connection with a single related event. In this circumstance, the new case will be assigned pursuant to paragraphs 3, 4, or 5 above, as appropriate.
  7. The Office of the State Attorney is required to inform the Clerk at or before arraignment of the case relationships between co-defendants and multiple defendant cases so that the appropriate division assignment is made.
  8. Where a defendant has previously been sentenced to community control or probation and is subject to a violation of probation proceeding based upon a new felony charge, any proceeding initiated by the State upon the new charge will be assigned by the Clerk to the same division assigned to the violation of probation proceeding.
  9. All re-filed or reopened felony cases will be assigned to the division assigned to the previously dismissed or disposed case.
  10. For capital cases or any non-capital cases involving the death of a victim, each county’s Administrative Judge may, in his or her discretion, recommend to the Chief Judge the reassignment of any such cases, to allow for the equal assignment of capital cases or other cases involving the death of a victim among the Circuit Criminal division judges.
  11. Cases already pending at the time of this Administrative Order will not be transferred to correspond with the above division assignments unless a motion to transfer is filed and good cause shown.
  12. 1Exceptions to this Administrative Order may be made at the discretion of the Chief Judge.
  13. To the extent that this Administrative Order may conflict with any rule, law, or statute, the rule, law, or statute shall prevail.
  14. This Administrative Order rescinds and supersedes Administrative Orders 2021-05a.3, 2015-20.3, and 2007-16.3.
  15. This Administrative Order is effective January 1, 2025.

Done and ordered in chambers, Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida, this 18 day of November, 2024.

Diana L. Moreland
Chief Judge

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