In the Circuit Court of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit
for Sarasota County, Florida
Administrative Order No. 88-44
This administrative order was
renumbered by administrative
order number 2001-14-2.
The new number is
In Re:
Assignment of
Criminal Cases
Charging a Felony
Order Regarding Assignment of Criminal Cases
Charging a Felony
It is hereby
ordered as follows:
- A criminal case charging a felony shall be considered filed with Clerk of the Circuit Court when the first document relating to that case is delivered to the Clerk.
- In Sarasota County, the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall assign all cases in which the defendants last names begin with the letters A through L to Felony Division II. The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall assign all cases in which the defendants last names begin with the letter M through Z to Felony Division III.
- In Felony cases that have more than one defendant charged in one information, with one case number, the last name of the first defendant listed on the information will determine which division the cases are assigned to.
- When there is a motion filed that requests the consolidation of two or more cases, the cases consolidated will be assigned to the Felony Division in which the case having the lowest case number (clerks #) was originally assigned.
- Violation of Probation charges will be heard in the division to which the original case was assigned.
- This Order shall take effect August 24, 1988.
Done and Ordered in Sarasota County, Florida this 23 day of August, 1988.
Gilbert A. Smith, Chief Judge
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