Title IV-D Child Support Hearings - Regular Docket
Special Notice and Instructions to Appear by Zoom
The Hearing Officer generally holds Title-IVD/Department of Revenue hearings Tuesday through Thursday every week, with one to two Mondays per month reserved for pro se (unrepresented) party motions.
ALL parties that have Title IV-D/DOR child support hearings scheduled before the Hearing Officer in Manatee County shall appear in person as of March 1, 2022, unless prior approval to appear by Zoom has been granted by the Court. If prior approval has been obtained by the Court to appear by Zoom Video or Audio Teleconferencing, the instructions are as follows: There are no fees to attend by Zoom, it is free and easy to use! A notary is not required. All hearings will be digitally recorded. In order to participate in the hearing by Zoom Video or Audio (Phone), please follow the instructions below:
OPTION #1: To Appear by Zoom Video
- DOWNLOAD the free Zoom app on your smartphone or computer prior to your hearing date. MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THE APP BEFORE YOUR HEARING!
- On the date and time of your hearing listed in this notice, SELECT “Join a Meeting” and then ENTER your Meeting ID and Password (listed on your notice or at the link below) to get into the hearing.
- Once you connect, please WAIT to be checked in. You may be placed in a “waiting room” and on mute or silent until your hearing begins.
OPTION #2: To Appear by Zoom Audio (Phone)
No camera? No problem! The Zoom platform allows individuals to appear via telephone if they do not have an available camera. On the date and time of your hearing, just CALL one of the phone numbers listed below. Then ENTER your Meeting ID and Password to get into the hearing. Once you connect, please WAIT as you may be placed on mute or silent until your hearing begins.
- Meeting ID & Password
- Available from the Public Court Hearings page. Note: Each hearing day/time period (AM or PM) may have different credentials, so please refer to your specific hearing day/time for correct ID and password)
- Telephone numbers (call any listed below)
- (646) 558-8656
- (301) 715-8592
- (786) 635-1003
- (312) 626-6799
- (253) 215-8782
If you would like to have the Court consider any documents at your hearing, you must file the documents with the Manatee County Clerk of Court prior to your hearing. To file documents, you may provide the documents by mail or through the e-portal. Your documents must contain your case number and instructions that they be filed in your case. Please visit the website of the Manatee County Clerk for addresses or office hours. To reach the Family Division of Clerk’s office by telephone, call (941) 741-4026. You may also electronically file the documents through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal. Regardless of filing method used, the Manatee County Clerk of Court must receive your documents at least five (5) days prior to your hearing in order for the documents to be considered at the hearing.
Any document filed in your court record becomes a public record, so it is your responsibility to redact any of your confidential or sensitive information prior to filing (e.g., SSN, bank account #, etc.).