Show up, be honest & try!


Included in this handbook is very important information that you will need to know for your journey through the DUI Court. If you have questions, ask your assigned Counselor or any other available staff. You are responsible for knowing and complying with all the rules and regulations described here.

Non-Discrimination Policy

No person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to unlawful discrimination under any program or activity receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance and administered by the Department.

General Information

DUI Court Staff

Honorable David Denkin, Presiding Judge
Rachel Lane, DUI Court Program Director


Sarasota Front Office


Wendy Patrick, DUI Court Case Manager


Katie Campbell, DUI Court Counselor


Brittany Henson, Clinical Supervisor


Tanaya Miller, Misdemeanor Probation Officer


Andrew Vansickle, Assistant State Attorney


Terry Drake, Assistant Public Defender


Law Enforcement / Traffic Unit, Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office


DUI Court / Drug Court Counselors

Program Length: The DUI Court is a standard 12-month curriculum. The last four months in the program must consist of abstinence from all form of alcohol, drugs and any mind altering chemicals. If you should relapse at any point of the last four months in the program, additional time will be imposed to assure that you have 90 days clean and sober prior to graduating..

New law violations, threatening behavior, and exhaustion of community resources can lead to program termination.

Phases: The DUI Court program has four distinctive phases. Each phase has mandated requirements that must be completed.

Fees: There is a program fee of $2,500. You should make payments of at least $200 per month. When making a payment, you must have some form of photo ID. Payments can be made in Sarasota at the Clerk of Circuit Court, 2000 Main Street (Old Historical Court House); hours are 8:30 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. You may pay by check or credit-card. You must turn in a copy of your receipt to DUI Court staff.

— or —

If clients reside in South County, payments can be made at the Clerk of the Circuit Court, South County Courthouse, 4004 S. Tamiami Trail, 1st Floor, Venice, FL 34293. Please make sure that you furnish a copy of your receipt to the Treatment Court office.

Court Attendance: Court is 4 pm every Thursday in Courtroom 2A or 7B of the Lynn N. Silvertooth Judicial Center, 2002 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL. 34237. Free parking is available in a garage 2 blocks east. All participants must remain in court the entire proceeding unless excused by staff or the judge. Work and/or school schedules must be submitted for extenuating circumstances. If you test positive for alcohol or drugs, you must attend the next four consecutive court sessions even if you are in phase 3 or 4.

Courtroom Rules: Clothing must be appropriate. See section titled “Office & Court Attire” (no drug/alcohol/sex references, and no hats or sunglasses); cameras, food, beverages, and gum chewing are forbidden. Turn off cell phones and other electronic devices. Cell phones and any other electronic devices are subject to be taken if it’s not respectfully turned off at all times inside the courtroom.

Sanctions: DUI Court has a graduated sanction approach for rule infractions. Sanctions may include but are certainly not limited to: essays/research projects, community service work, jury box court observation, increased drug testing, frequent court appearances, curfew, electronic monitoring, offender work program, residential placement, and jail. The judge makes all final rulings pertaining to sanctions.

Jail: The court can sentence you to jail for any infraction, especially for non-compliance. Normally you will be handcuffed and taken straight from court.

Community Service Hours: Community service is primarily used as a sanction. All hours must be documented and filled out and signed by the facility supervisor. A list of various work locations is available in the office; all hours can be verified at any time. Appropriate documentation is required for proof of hours; public service forms are available in the Treatment Court office lobby area. Client can choose to perform community service in lieu of employment. Talk to staff for further info.

Probation: After signing your contract, you are under the supervision of probation (either misdemeanor or felony). You must make the required contacts with your assigned probation officer and adhere to all your probationary terms, conditions, and financial obligations. If you plan to leave the Sarasota area overnight for either business or pleasure, you must first obtain permission from your probation officer.

Public Defender’s Office: If you don’t have your own attorney, have permission of the court, and if you qualify, you may be assigned an assistant public defender. You must see him/her before you sign your contract. The Public Defender attends all DUI Court sessions and is available for clients’ legal questions.

Counseling: You will be assigned a counselor and you will be required to schedule an initial 1:1 appointment for a full assessment to be completed. Furthermore, an individualized treatment plan will be developed; appointments are generally about 30 minutes to one hour. You will meet with your counselor at least once a week while in Phase I.

Groups: Groups are currently offered on Zoom and in person. The group schedule is in the weekly e-newsletter. You must attend all designated groups recommended by your assigned counselor, which includes one Phase Group. However, you can attend groups of your choice to further meet treatment requirements with your counselor approval. For accountability purposes attendance, promptness, and participation is a must. Any changes to your weekly group schedule can only be adjusted by your counselor or the program director. Confidentiality must be maintained within the group. The use of cell phones, other electronic devices, and outside reading materials are not permitted during group. Being disrespectful and using profanity shall not be tolerated nor will threatening behavior and angry outbursts. Such behavior may result in being asked to leave the group and/or facility. You will not be permitted to leave the counseling/group sessions for any reason, such as to provide a urine screen, to make personal phone calls, or use the restroom. Please plan accordingly.

Sign-in sheets are posted 15 minutes prior to group. Group will begin at the assigned time. No one will be admitted once the door has closed. If you sign in for group, you must be available when the group is called. If you are not in the lobby, you will not be admitted into group after the facilitator has started. You are expected to drop or use the restroom well before group begins or after group is completed. You are not allowed to sign in for anyone other than yourself. If you do, neither of you will be given credit for the group.

Support Meetings: Every week you must attend three network support meetings in the community. Chairpersons at the meetings must sign your meetings report, which you must fill out in full including what you have learned. Meeting reports are due by 5 pm every Thursday. You can submit them directly to your counselor in person or via email. You may attend two of your three meetings virtually.

 Please visit the DUI Court office for the most up-to-date group schedule as it is subject to change.

Sponsorship: You must get a sponsor to enhance recovery and your support network. You will need to provide the name of your sponsor to your counselor or case manager. Sponsors must have at least one year of clean time, and be of the same gender. You must obtain a sponsor during Phase II. You must have your sponsor re-verified prior to moving to each next phase. You cannot advance to Phase III without obtaining a sponsor.

Case Management: While in Phases I and II, you must meet with the case manager weekly. These meetings can be in person or over the phone. The case manager can be seen by appointment or you can attend the weekly scheduled life skills group. You can receive comprehensive coordinated services to assist with problems involving housing, employment, education, childcare, domestic violence, and medical insurance, etc. The DUI Court strives for each participant to enhance their total wellness.

Confidentiality: The counselors are forbidden by law to disclose that you are a DUI court client unless you sign a Release of Information.

Relapse Group: If you test positive for alcohol or drugs, you must attend relapse group(s). The relapse groups are open to all clients.

Psychiatric Services

Psychiatric Services are available by appointment only on Wednesdays and Thursdays (Telehealth appointments only).

A psychiatrist specializing in mental health/substance abuse is available by appointment in the Treatment Court office. Every client is required to see the doctor at least one time for a mental health assessment. He/she can prescribe psychiatric medications if needed. You may also be directed by the judge or staff to see the doctor. If you fail to comply with the guidelines of the doctor, miss an appointment, or are late without being excused, the court will sanction you. There is no additional charge to see the psychiatrist.

Office Rules

Parking: There are designated parking spots reserved for treatment court clients on the west side of the building. Additional parking is also available in the lot to the north of the building.

Being Late: All participants must be on time, being late for any treatment activity is not tolerated and admittance may not be granted. You are subject to a sanction from the Judge if you fail to keep scheduled counseling, group sessions, and drug testing requirements.

Sign-in Sheet: A sign-in sheet is provided in every group session. You must sign in to get credit for the group attendance. The sign-in sheet is put out 15 minutes prior to the start of the group. Groups are limited to 15 participants (except your mandatory group and the fitness group). Groups on Zoom do not require signing in; attendance will be collected by the facilitator.

In Box/Deadlines: The ‘in box’ in the lobby is for meeting reports which are due every Thursday by 5 pm. Feel free to ask staff to make copies.

Behavior: You must act and speak appropriately in the Treatment Court office and on the building premises. Inappropriate and disrespectful behavior is not tolerated and will result in sanctions and possible termination. Bringing weapons or drugs into the office, fighting, or other serious violations can, furthermore, result in termination and/or additional criminal charges.

Courtesy Phone: You may never enter the inner door without permission from staff. If no one is in the front office, please be patient and someone will be with you shortly or utilize the courtesy phone. Do not knock on the window.

Absences: Attendance and full participation is mandatory! All absences are unexcused unless pre-approved by your counselor, program coordinator, and/or Judge. Maintain communication with your counselor. If you cannot reach your counselor, speak to the program director or another counselor. Leaving a voicemail does not excuse you from any program and treatment activity.

Holidays: You will be notified if the office is closed during the holidays. On holidays all scheduled meetings/groups held in the Treatment Court office will be cancelled. If the office is closed on a day that you normally attend group, you must plan to attend group on another day.

Visitors: You may not bring visitors beyond the inner door. Exceptions may be made for small children who are accompanied by their parents for 1:1 sessions; however, children are not allowed in groups. Former program graduates may visit and attend groups anytime.

Attire: You may not wear sunglasses. Also, you may not wear clothing with images or words about alcohol or drugs or with lewd pictures or profanity, or clothing that is too revealing. If you come dressed inappropriately, you will be turned away. (See section title “Office & Court Attire”)

Electronics: Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned-off in group and counseling sessions. You may not wear headphones or text at any time.

Profanity: Inappropriate language and excessive profanity is not permitted.

Food and Beverages: You may not have food or drinks inside the group rooms. Please be courteous and throw all trash in the trash cans.

Travel Requests: If you plan to travel out of Sarasota County overnight, you must first request permission from the DUI Court staff and Probation. A travel request form (located in the lobby) must be completed in its entirety and submitted to staff at least 72 hours (3 days) prior to travel dates. The request must include travel dates, destination, and the purpose of travel. The Judge has final say as to whether or not this request will be approved. In some situations, you may be required to bring and test with a monitoring device (Ex. PAM, SCRAM, or GPS). If approved to travel, you must submit to a drug screen within 24 hours before and after return. It is your responsibility to meet with probation before you leave to obtain a travel permit. If you are required to take a monitoring device, it is also your responsibility to obtain and set up that device prior to departing by contacting House Arrest Services at (941) 400-1660. Any changes in your request must be immediately reported to DUI Court staff. Failure to do so may result in a sanction.

Office & Court Attire

All individuals entering the courtroom shall be dressed appropriately, clean, and neat. Dress that is disturbing and distracting in court is inappropriate. This is a court of law and the clothes and appearance must be safe and not disruptive to the judicial process.

  • No shorts, No short skirts, No low-cut tops, No tank tops. (Shorts worn appropriately is permitted in the treatment facility.)
  • Pants must be worn at the waist; no sagging or low riding pants.
  • Undershirts and tank tops, if worn, must be worn with another “cover up” shirt. Shoulders, backs, chests, and midriffs must be covered.
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. No flip-flops or house shoes.
  • Inappropriate head coverings such as bandanas, scarves, sweatbands, caps, do-rags, or hairnets are not to be worn or seen. Hoods of lightweight garments or sweatshirts may not be pulled over the head.
  • Clothing that advertises substances (drugs, alcohol, tobacco products) or language or writing that is otherwise inappropriate or offensive (sex, profanity, racial, or ethnic slurs, gang related attire, etc.) may not be worn. Tattoos that display drugs, sex, alcohol, or tobacco products must not be seen at any time.
  • Clothing that is intentionally torn in inappropriate places is not allowed.
  • For security reasons, chains, spiked accessories, and oversized jewelry are not permissible.

If you are not dressed appropriately, the Judge may not allow you in the courtroom and the Director may dismiss you from the office.

Drugs, Alcohol & Supplements

Any prescribed medications, supplements, vitamins, over-the-counter cold and headache remedies, etc., must be brought in to be copied and verified by a staff member. You must bring these to the office if you either just took them or plan to take them. Some might not be approved.

Illegal drugs: You may not take any illicit drugs (cocaine, crack, marijuana, heroin, ecstasy, crystal meth, K2, Spice, Tianeptine, Xylazine, etc.).

Alcohol: Alcohol is forbidden. Alcohol is considered a drug, and drug-free also means alcohol-free. Moreover, drinking violates your supervision. Nyquil, cooking wine, Kombucha or any other products containing alcohol are not permitted. Non-alcoholic beers are not allowed in the program.

Controlled narcotic/medications: You may not take any controlled medication (Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Valium, Xanax, Phenobarbital, Fentanyl, etc.). If there is a special circumstance and you are permitted to take a controlled medication (short-term only with no refills), you must bring in the prescription to be verified and copied by a staff member.

Psychiatric Medications: You must see the nurse practitioner for an initial evaluation. If you choose to be prescribed any medications for mental health reasons including antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and anxiolytics (anti-anxiety medicine), you must follow up regularly with the nurse practitioner.

Other Prescribed Medications: If you take antibiotics, blood pressure pills, allergy medications, or any other non-controlled prescriptions, you must report them to the psychiatrist as well as bring them in so they can be logged by the doctor and lab technician.

Over-the-Counter Medicine: You may take certain over-the counter remedies. You must communicate with staff as some over-the counter products are banned from the program, i.e. Nyquil, Sudafed. You must call staff and bring in the bottles or boxes ASAP for all such products. Many over-the-counter medications are abused for their effects. Mouthwash containing alcohol is not allowed.

Food & Supplements: All vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, energy supplements, body building supplements, and similar products must be brought in for approval by the urinalyses technician before you take them. Some of these will not be approved including all supplements containing creatine. CBD Oil (even if it does not contain THC) and Kratom are not allowed to be used while in the program. Foods containing poppy seeds should be avoided.


Verbal Honesty

You should report all forbidden drugs including alcohol that you used since your last drop before you drop. If you have not already told staff, tell the person supervising your drop. It will not be considered verbal honesty if you report using after you drop. Honesty may reward a lesser sanction.

Urinalysis Hours

  Sarasota Venice
Monday - Friday 7 am - 4:45 pm
Must arrive by 4:30 pm
8:30 am - 12 pm
Saturday 8 am - 9:30 am 8 am - 9:30 am*
Sunday 8 am - 9:30 am 8 am - 9:30 am*

*Weekend drug testing will be at the RLA Building; use west side employee entrance

Random Drops: Routine drug testing is random. You must call the Drop Line 941–8617–8189 every day (including Saturday and Sunday) between 6 am and 12 pm, Monday through Friday, and on Saturday and Sundays 6 am - 9:30 am. It’s imperative that you listen to the entire recording! You must report to the Treatment Court office to give a specimen if your current phase of treatment is called, please listen carefully. Daily drops: If you are put on daily drops for any reason, you must provide a urinalysis on any day that the office is open; this includes weekends, even if your phase is not called.

Missed Drops: Missed drops are considered positive drops and not excused, so plan ahead as much as possible and maintain communication with staff.

Diluted Drops: Diluted samples are considered positive. Drinking large amounts of excessive fluids (“over loading”, i.e. water, coffee, tea, soda) is one technique in an attempt to manipulate test results so it is recommended that you limit your fluid intake in the short amount of time before you come to the office to provide a sample. It’s also highly recommended to have a balanced diet. Creatine supplements are sometimes used to mask diluted drops and drops with high creatinine levels are invalid. Supplements with creatine are forbidden.

Falsification: Attempts to pass your drug test by using masking agents, another person’s urine, etc., will be stiffly sanctioned, and you may be terminated from the program.

Observation: A staff member will accompany you into the restroom to observe your drop. You must follow all instructions to ensure the drop is properly observed. If your drop is unmonitored, please listen carefully to the instructions of the staff and do not flush the toilet or turn on the water until your sample has been approved.

Contested Results: If you deny a positive drop, the sample can be retested by an outside laboratory confirmation test. If it is confirmed positive, your sanction may increase. You will also be responsible for payment of the outside confirmation testing if it is confirmed positive.

Failed Attempts: If you try to drop but can’t, you may not leave the premises until you are successful. You have up to five times to try with increasing wait periods after each attempt. You may return to the lobby to drink water, but you may not leave the building area. If you leave after many failed attempts, it is considered a positive drop. Please follow the instructions of the lab staff.

Surprise Drug Testing: You may be sent for a drug test at any time by the Judge or any team member.

Purses and Coats: You may not hold purses, briefcases, packages, cell phones, or anything else when you drop. You may place these items on the table outside the restroom. Also, you may not wear coats or other bulky clothing when you drop.

Check Your Cup: Every drop, check your cup for your name, date of birth, and the correct date. It is your responsibility to check that the label on the cup is correct before you initial it.

Insufficient Specimens: If you can’t provide a sufficient urine sample (30mL), the cup will be discarded. You can’t add to it. You must try again. It is your responsibility to ensure your sample is sufficient.

For clients who reside in South County: Urinalysis can be submitted on the 1st floor of the Venice South County Courthouse, 4004 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice, FL 34293. (See South County urinalysis drop hours.)

Alumni Groups

We welcome all previous DUI Court participants to come back and share at the Alumni group meetings. Please contact Rachel to be included in the alumni group.

Special Announcements

Unexpected closures of the Treatment Court Office and Special Announcements, will be on the recorded Drop Line Message and will be updated daily. The drop line number is 941–861–8189. You must call everyday by 12 pm.

Activities Summary

  Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV
Length (approximate) 45 days 90 days 115 days 115 days
Recommended Treatment
Indiviual counseling
Weekly Bi-weekly Every 3 weeks Monthly
Recommended Treatment
Group counseling
3 per week 2 per week 2 per week 2 per week
Support Meetings (AA/NA/CA)
Minimum 3 weekly or as recommended
Due every 5 pm Thursdays
3 per week 3 per week 3 per week 3 per week
Urinalysis Drops
3 minimum weekly random tests
3-5 random per week 3-5 random per week 3-5 random per week 3-5 random per week
Breathalyzer (BAC) Random Random Random Random
Home Visits
As needed if appropriate
Random Random Random Random
Court Appearances Weekly Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly
Case Management Meeting 1 per week 1 per week As needed As needed

Phase Promotion

You must be in full compliance, be current on program fees, attending and participating with all assigned individual sessions, groups and support meetings, gainfully employed and testing negative, in addition to specific duties in each phase.

Phase Requirements

Phase I: Orientation & Engagement

Duration: Approximately 45 days

  • Mandatory jail time (if ordered)
  • Weekly court appearances
  • Clinical assessment
  • Mental health assessment
  • Attend weekly scheduled case management meetings
  • Probation orientation and assessment
  • Minimum of one home visit by probation, case manager, or law enforcement, if appropriate
  • Submit to a minimum of three support/sober network meetings per week
  • Attend a minimum of three “in house” group meetings per week
  • Weekly individual counseling sessions
  • Comply with any additional requirements recommended by the treatment provider.

To advance: Completed jail time, completed all assessments, minimum 14 consecutive days clean and sober, pay no less than the $100 assessment fee.

Phase II: Early Recovery

Duration: Approximately 90 days

  • Follow all rules and regulations of treatment
  • Weekly court appearances
  • Attend weekly scheduled case management meetings
  • Attend scheduled monthly meetings with probation officer
  • Attend a minimum of three support/sober network meetings per week
  • Attend scheduled meetings with counselor as recommended
  • Submit to a minimum of three random alcohol/drug screens per week
  • Attend a minimum of two “in house” group meetings per week
  • Enroll in DUI School and Victim Impact Panel
  • Maintain employment, vocational training or educational opportunities / Complete community service work as imposed by the judge
  • Complete phase two writing assignment
  • Minimum of one home visit by probation, case manager, or law enforcement, if appropriate
  • Pay DUI Court Program fees
  • Obtain verified sponsor

To advance: Completed all phase requirements; current on program fees, Enroll in DUI School and Victim Impact Panel, minimum 30 consecutive days clean and sober.

Phase III: Maintenance & Relapse Prevention

Duration: Approximately 115 days

  • Follow all rules and regulations of treatment
  • Bi-weekly court appearances
  • Attend scheduled monthly meetings with probation officer
  • Attend scheduled case management meetings as recommended
  • Minimum of one home visit by probation, case manager, or law enforcement, if appropriate
  • Attend scheduled meetings with counselor as recommended
  • Attend a minimum of three support/sober network meetings per week
  • Attend a minimum of two “in house” group meetings per week
  • Submit to a minimum of three random alcohol/drug screen per week
  • Maintain employment, vocational training or educational opportunities / Complete community service work as imposed by the judge
  • Complete Phase III writing assignment
  • Pay DUI Court program fees
  • Begin and attend financial counseling as determined by the court

To advance: Completed all phase requirements, must be employed, completing CS hours, and/or attending school, completed DUI school/VIP, minimum of 90 consecutive days clean and sober, current on program fees.

Phase IV: Continuance of Care & Commencement

Duration: Approximately 115 days

  • Follow all rules and regulations of treatment
  • Monthly court appearances
  • Attend scheduled monthly meetings with probation officer
  • Attend case management meetings as recommended
  • Minimum of one home visit by probation officer, case manager, or law enforcement, if appropriate
  • Attend scheduled meetings with counselor as recommended
  • Submit to a minimum of three support/sober network meetings per week
  • Attend a minimum of two “in house” group meetings per week
  • Maintain employment, vocational training or educational opportunities / Complete community service work as imposed by the judge
  • Pay DUI Court program fees, court costs and fines
  • Develop Relapse Prevention Plan
  • Continue to address medical and mental health issues
  • Complete program exit interview
  • DUI Court Commencement
Graduation Requirements
  • Completion of all phases
  • Negative tests for 90 consecutive days
  • No unexcused absences for 90 consecutive days
  • Stable living environment
  • Gainfully employed
  • Financial plan
  • Medical and mental health care managed
  • Educational requirements met
  • Program fees paid
  • Relapse prevention completed
  • Support network in place
  • Enrolled in DUI Alumni Group

DUI Court: At-A-Glance

Office Location
North County: 1751 Mound St., Sarasota, FL 34236
South County: 4004 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice, FL 34293
Office Hours
8 am-5 pm, Monday-Friday
Urinalysis Hours
Drop Line: 941‑861‑8139
North County: 7 am-4:45 pm, Monday-Friday
8 am-9:30 am, Saturday & Sunday
South County: 8:30 am-12 pm, Monday-Friday
8 am-9:30 am*, Saturday & Sunday, *Enter through west side of the RLA building
All participants must call the automated Drop Line between 6 am-12 pm Monday-Friday and between 6 am-9:30 am Saturday/Sunday.