For information about meeting times and participation please contact the Judicial Assistant.
Phone: (941) 861-7970

Judge Rochelle Curley's Zoom Video Conference Access Information for Family Division 1

All attorneys and pro se litigants are required to read Judge Curley’s Division Procedures and Requirements,updated 3/23/2023

Updated 4/10/23

Option #1: To appear by zoom video:
  1. Download the free Zoom app on your smartphone or computer at prior to your hearing date. Make sure you download the app before your hearing!

  2. Be sure to obtain the meeting id and password for the date and time of your hearing. enter the Meeting ID and Password to get into the hearing.

  3. Once you connect, please wait to be checked in. You may be placed in a “waiting room” and on mute until your hearing begins. Please be aware that other hearings may be proceeding at the same time.

Option #2: To appear by zoom audio (phone):

No camera? No problem! The Zoom platform allows individuals to appear via telephone if they do not have an available camera. On the date and time of your hearing, just call one of the phone numbers provided in the information below. Then enter your Meeting ID and Password to get into the hearing. Once you connect, please wait as you may be placed on mute or silent until your hearing begins.

Problems connecting to your hearing? If you have problems connecting to a hearing, immediately notify your attorney.  

If you can, please try to “name” yourself before entering the Zoom hearing with your first and last name.

Judge Curley has enabled the "waiting room" feature on the Zoom platform. Please understand that on some hearing days, the Court issues the same credentials for multiple hearings, and when you sign on you may join in the middle of another hearing. Please keep your microphone muted until you are addressed and able to join your hearing. If you need to move around prior to your hearing, kindly stop your video feed until your hearing begins.

***Please be in a quiet room or area when appearing for your hearing***

Standing Meetings

Standing Meetings do not have a start or end date. Contact the Judge's Judicial Assistant for JACS for hearing times

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